Four lessons for circular entrepreneurs
By now, almost everyone knows what a circular economy is. For business it’s about minimising the depletion of natural resources and...

Circular Business: collaborate and circulate
Do you want to know more about the potential of a circular economy?Are you, like so many others, eager to learn how you can make it work...

Highlights of our Inspiring Circular Breakfast
On 19th January eight companies shared their circular experiences and learnings for 100 people. Last year Innoboost, the TUDelft and...

Evides & Innoboost take steps with partners
We all want to create a better future for our children. Often it is not a lack of willingness for companies to have a positive impact....

Towards a healthy pig business - Vereijken Hooijer & Innoboost team up
From news on high piglet mortality to a high number of bankruptcies... Last year news about the pig farming sector in the media was very...

Peerby and Innoboost search for untapped value
Finding paying customers for your sustainable product or service is not always easy. Brainstorming on possible underlying needs can help...

Vaventis & Innoboost are ready for a breath of fresh air
Without a customer there is no business. Sounds straightforward, but reality shows it’s quite a challenge. From clothing made of nettles...

Boska & Innoboost team up for positive impact
With increasing attention for the circular economy, more and more companies are aware that our way of consuming is reaching its limits....